Watch our Facebook pages (Massillon & Towpath Trail Y) for program and facility updates.
Outdoor Soccer (Spring/Fall)
Instructional Soccer (Ages 3)
The focus of this age group is to both develop the basic skills of soccer and socialize children in a fun and safe environment.
Indoor Soccer (Winter)
League (Ages 5-7 & Ages 8-11)
Come develop your soccer skills even further with our fast paced indoor soccer league! Participants will learn how to pass, shoot, dribble and react in a faster paced game.
Basketball (Winter)
Instructional Basketball (Ages 4-7)
Participants will learn the basic fundamentals of the game, and develop better social skills while interacting with other kids. The young athletes will learn how to dribble, pass, shoot, and other skills of the game.
Baseball (Summer)
T-Ball (Ages 4-6)
Children learn the basic fundamentals of catching, throwing, hitting and teamwork. Games and equipment are modified to be developmentally appropriate for this age group and to maximize fun and success.
Preschool Sports (Winter/Summer)
Sports for Tots (Ages 3 & under with a parent)
Parents/Children ages 3 & under participate and try out a variety of sports such as soccer, t-ball, basketball, and more! The program is designed to introduce toddlers to sports and find one they enjoy!
Gymnastics (All Year)
Parent & Child
Little Flippers (Walkers to age 3 years) This class encourages the development of balance, coordination and body awareness.
These skills are taught with the assistance of a parent and gymnastics coach.
Mat Munchkins (ages 3 to 5 years) Children will become familiar on four events while learning in a structured environment. Children are encouraged to follow directions, turn taking and cooperation throughout each fun-filled class.
School Age
Rollers & Swingers (ages 6 to 18) Designed for beginning students (Rollers) as well as intermediate gymnasts (Swingers). Emphasis is placed on further developing basic skills on all pieces of equipment. Progression through these levels will lead to the opportunity to join the Y Gymnastics Team.
Gymnastics Team
The top level of the YMCA gymnastics classes, this program offers continual advancement in skills while introducing choreographed routines. Gymnasts may participate in classes only or have the opportunity to participate in meets at local gyms. To join the gymnastics team, an initial skills assessment must be conducted prior to participation.
Questions? Contact our Youth Sports Director!
Brian Ohm
(330) 837-5116